Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wall flower

First things first, I finished Mockingjay? The ending wasn't at all what I expected. While I was reading it I was getting extremely mad and frustrated because: one, I couldn't tell if what was happening was real or not, two It was moving slow and Katniss was on morphling alot of the time, and three, because its not how I wanted it to end. I wanted a ending that wrapped up the book but wasn't too fairy-taleish. The explosion with Prim just sent things into a whirlwind, which are the pages that I don't like. Eventually, I began to like the end though as soon as Katniss shot the President. She began to have a sense of normalcy, slowly coming of the morphling and depressing state she was in, and hunting. She returned to District Twelve without her family which I appreciated because it was one last emphasis that no matter how hard you fight not everything will go your way. It truly added to the Hunger Games because her family was her life and struggle. Her promise to Prim kept her going in the first book, and kept sustaining her through some of her hardest times. Prim dying was probably the most unexpected twist that happened. I think her death was meant to be a symbol of the loss of innocence. No matter how hard she tried, Katniss could not stop Prim from growing up and maturing. There was alot of foreshadowing, with Prim's voice sounding thousands of times older and with her looking like she had changed, but even through that she still symbolized the innocence and love of the world. It was ironic that this innocence was taken away by the people who were supposed to be trying to protect it. Overall I liked the ending and was glad I could read the Hunger Games Series.

The next book I have started on is, "the perks of being a wallflower," a series of letters from an anonymous boy, nicknamed Charlie, to an anonymous reader. It is extremely funny, well pointed, and fun to read. In an off-handed, casual way Charlie introduces the topics of high school. He talks about drugs, dreams, parties, friends, and every topic under the sun. The way Charlie writes is interesting and funny and I'm looking forward to seeing his adventures and the wisdom he gains by going through high school?

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